Ready to release old ego patterns and to step into a state of trust and flow, to be guided into alignment with your purpose?
As we are passing the New Moon, it a great time to tap into the vision we hold for our lives, and to connect to our highest potential.
I will help you to see your biggest ego pattern that is blocking you from living in flow with love and spark, and we will begin the process of releasing it. I will also help you to tap into the high vibrational energy that is flooding the planet at this time, so that you can align with what you came here for.
You may experience...
- Becoming aware of your current blind spot that is hindering your evolution.
- Connecting to hidden personal truths.
- Releasing stagnant energy and accessing more lifeforce energy.
- Deeper understanding and love for yourself.
- Receiving validation from others who get you!
(as with anything, You get out of it as much as you put in.)
What to expect
I guide you into a meditative state and channel the group’s main ego pattern that is keeping us from being in a state of trust and flow with the Universe. I will guide you through some practices to help you to release blockages and shift your vibration, so that you can unfold into your fullest version more effortlessly.
- Centering Meditation ~ 10 min
- Channeling Group Consciousness (incl. practices & questions) ~ 50 min
- Closing circle & reflection ~ 10 min
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